Armchair Strategist - A Formula 1 Strategy Dashboard
Implemented data transformation pipelines with Pandas. Developed interactive dashboard with plotly dash. Deployed on AWS using EC2, S3, and Route 53 with automated data refresh and daily code deployment.
Image Colorization with Generative Adversarial Network (GAN)
Co-led a team of 15. Trained cGAN with U-Net architecture on 25,000-image MIRFLICKR dataset using slurm on University of Michigan's Great Lakes HPC Cluster
Rate My Professors (RMP) Sentiment Analysis
Scraped data of 3500 professors from RMP using selenium and beautifulsoup. Optimized and benchmarked seven models and three text encodings for sentiment analysis task. Achieved >0.80 precision and recall.
Royal Game of Ur Optimizer
Built tournament-style evaluation CLI for game-playing agents. Implemented asynchronous dynamic programming value iteration in Rust to calculate the optimal strategy for an ancient board game.
Sports Data Analysis and Visualization
Led a team of 15 students who proposed and researched sports-related data stories. Taught exploratory data analysis, data visualization, machine learning and statistical modelling.
Reinforcement Learning Crashcourse
Co-led a team of 10. Taught the basics of reinforcement learning and trained an agent to land a simulated lunar lander using advantage actor-critic method.